In the case of R v Brass [2023] NSWSC 203, heard on March 9, 2023, before Justice Wilson, the court issued several significant decisions. Pursuant to the Mental Health and Cognitive Impairment Forensic Provisions Act 2020 (NSW), Ms. Brass is to be detained at the Cumberland Hospital’s Bunya Unit, Inpatient Mental Health Rehabilitation Service at Westmead or another determined place by the Mental Health Review Tribunal, until released by due process of law.


This case revolves around the complex issue of mental health within the criminal justice system. Ms. Brass had previously received a special verdict under the Mental Health and Cognitive Impairment Forensic Provisions Act 2020 (NSW). The court had made orders for her initial detention at the Forensic Hospital or another suitable facility pending further orders. On this occasion, the court revisited the matter to determine the appropriate course of action regarding Ms. Brass’s continued treatment and potential release into the community.


The court’s decision heavily relied on expert opinions, including a report from Ms. Brass’s treating practitioner. This report played a pivotal role in assessing Ms. Brass’s current mental health condition and her readiness for community reintegration.


The report noted that Ms. Brass had been transferred from the Forensic Hospital to the Bunya facility, a unit within the Cumberland Hospital, where she had received regular clinical supervision and adhered to prescribed medication. Her psychiatrist expressed confidence in her progress, emphasizing her improved insight into her mental illness and the necessity of continued medication, likely for the foreseeable future.


However, her psychiatrist also highlighted certain vulnerabilities and risks associated with Ms. Brass’s release into the community. He pointed out that she remained susceptible to stressors in her life, which could exacerbate her condition. Additionally, factors such as increased responsibility for her children and exposure to high-stimulus environments could contribute to her stress levels. He expressed concerns about the potential for violence, particularly towards a child, if Ms. Brass were to experience a mental health relapse in the community without proper support and supervision.


In light of these considerations, her psychiatrist which was procured by our team recommended against an immediate discharge into the community. Instead, he advocated for a structured and staged approach to her release, allowing her to gradually reintegrate into society while receiving ongoing treatment and support. The Bunya Unit, with its medium security environment, was deemed the most suitable setting for her continued rehabilitation.


The court also took into account the Reasons for Orders made by the Mental Health Review Tribunal in December 2022, which supported Ms. Brass’s transfer to the Bunya Unit and her detention there. Dr. Adam Martin and Dr. Stephen Allnutt, who had reviewed the relevant documentation, concurred that while Ms. Brass posed a low risk to the community, she still required further treatment. Dr. Martin, in particular, suggested that she could eventually transition into the community when protective factors were in place, and her risk to others was minimal.


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Considering all the evidence presented, the court determined that while Ms. Brass had made substantial progress in her treatment, she was not yet ready for immediate release into the community. Her condition had improved, she was no longer acutely ill, and her risk to others had significantly decreased since the initial incident. However, she remained in need of treatment and care, best provided in the controlled environment of a medium security institution like the Bunya Unit.


Therefore, the court accepted the joint position of the parties and issued specific orders, some reading:


Pursuant to s 33(1)(b) of the Mental Health and Cognitive Impairment Forensic Provisions Act 2020 (NSW), Ms. Brass is to be detained at the Cumberland Hospital, Bunya Unit, Inpatient Mental Health Rehabilitation Service at Westmead, or any other place determined by the Mental Health Review Tribunal, until she is released through legal due process.


Additionally, the Registrar of the Court is instructed to notify the Minister for Health and the Mental Health Review Tribunal about the issuance of these orders, furnishing them with relevant documents, including the court’s reasons, and various medical reports tendered as evidence in these proceedings.


In essence, this decision underscores the court’s commitment to balancing the need for Ms. Brass’s continued treatment and rehabilitation with the safety of the community. It recognizes the progress she has made while acknowledging the importance of a gradual reintegration process. The Mental Health Review Tribunal will play a crucial role in reviewing her circumstances and devising an appropriate management and release plan in the coming weeks and months. Ultimately, this decision prioritizes both Ms. Brass’s well-being and the protection of the community.


Engaging a experienced criminal law firm allowed Ms. Brass to get the defence and help she needed.
Daniel Wakim Law Firm is the most trusted and diligent criminal law firm in Sydney.